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Technology is predominant in our lives. Reading a book is a personal experience with each person having their own set of reading criteria.

At Writers Who Care. we believe in providing our readers not only with a great heart-to-heart book about a variety of topics. 

This site represents writers who are eager to share their work to the world. Many hope their book could make a difference in at least one life. Whether that is through pure enjo... Read more

Kenney Oldham Hayes

Kenney Hayes spent 35 years as a mortgage banking executive. She served in leadership positions for multiple nationwide banks and financial organizations focused on mortgage lending. Now in retirement, she has returned to her personal passion: writing!

As Co-founder and President of Writers Who Care, Kenney’s goal is to write about topics that many either do not know about or choose not to talk about.

She has published four non-fiction books... Read more

Beth Withers

Vice President and Co-founder

Beth Withers Banning is an author and copywriter for Christian and secular publications. She graduated from Arlington Baptist College with a degree in Biblical Studies and earned a Master of Arts degree in Management and Leadership from Liberty University.

Ms. Withers Banning served as an Executive Coordinator for over 30 years with large corporations such as Xerox, Interstate Batteries, and AT&T Wireless. She... Read more


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Fiction - with a kick!


Fiction - with a kick!


1 Reviews

Linda Gray

06 December 2022

06 December


I ordered this book not only for subject content, but because it was written by Christians known to me. I gifted this to my niece whom is caring for my brother...
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Richard A. Jordan, MD, FACP, CHCOQM, CPE Col( Ret) US Army - Assistant Processor of Medicine -

Two thumbs up for "Hell No I Don't Remember, I Have Alzheimer's!" A much needed addition. This book should be required reading for all who aspire to healthcare careers. To truly understand the devastation wrought by Alzheimer's disease, these authors have unveiled intimate detail of heart=breaking experiences so devastating that it shakes the very foundations of on one's faith. Realizing that "life makes choices for us without even thinking to ask our opinion," with openness and candor, they take us on a journey from confidence of youth through dismantling the cherished pre-conceived notions of life and back to a deeper faith in a diving presence that adds meaning to and unifies the human experience.  


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Sep 22, 2022
Joyce Landorf Heatherly, Owner Balcony Publishing

Not too many of us that have gone through the loss of a loved one are able to articulate and record the devastation and at the same time reach and comfort the point of pain in another’s grief filled heart. But Beth Banning does exactly that in When Mommies Cry. I know as she did it for me even though my son David died in 1964.

Joyce Landorf Heatherly, Owner, Balcony Publishing

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Jan 7, 2023
Dr. J. Mark Dallalio, Pastor

Having the privilege of serving as Beth’s pastor for over 24 years now has afforded me the time to observe the validity of her testimony. As I reflect back over these years, I can unreservedly corroborate the undisputed consistency of her words with her life. When Faith Fails opens the window of vulnerability into Kathryn and Kara’s winding journey to give us an insightful view of God’s shaping grace along the road of redemption. Beth Withers Banning does a masterful job communicating the harsh reality of abuse and the fresh renewal of healing grace. Through personal experience, research and counseling, Beth has creatively scripted "In Faith Fails" a unique blend of empathy and objectivity to help victims of abuse find redeeming hope and balance. Unfortunately, Kathryn and Kara’s story of raw truth and pain can be retold over and over. However, God receives His greatest glory in providing redemption in a broken world. Regretfully, we may never be able to answer the “why” questions in regard to innocence lost on this side of eternity, but Beth’s resilient perspective offers a breath of invigorating hope in a suffocating world of debauchery and exploitation. Perhaps Kathryn and Kara’s story can be best summed up in Beth’s quote from Joseph of old, “…you thought evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” (Genesis 50:20).

Dr. J. Mark Dallalio, Northside Baptist Church

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Jan 7, 2023

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