The Great Divide in Our Country

The Great Divide in Our Country

Posted September 29, 2022

Regardless of our political affiliation, it goes without saying that the United States of America is at a crossroads. And, it is very clear that a country divided cannot stand. In an effort to unify us in our differences, Writers Who Care has met every Monday at noon with a prayer challenge to pray for America.

From abortion to gay marriage to immigration to gun control to climate change to legalizing marijuana to the opioid crisis to law and order, America's voice of division is growing louder and louder. Not since the 1960's during the Viet Nam war have we seen such division.

Amazingly, our forefathers experienced similar controversies as they tried to establish one nation under God. From slavery to separation of powers to regulations to famine and pestilence to monopolies in commerce, the Continental Congress voiced their divisions with extreme passion. Yet, somehow, they found the common union they could all share and constructed the greatest republic in the world.

How? It began with prayer. One thing they could all agree on (even the deists) was that they wanted one nation under God to serve as a light to the world. As we return to our roots, please join us every day as we pray for our country leading up to the midterm elections. There is no doubt that divisions creates bondage.

Seeking God's favor for America as we move forward in our divisions might very well make us the greatest nation on Earth just like God did for our forefathers. For the sake of future generations, please pray.

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